Saturday, September 29, 2007

The Amorphous Angst of the Hijda

Hijdas are human far more human because of their genetic vulnerability, because of this they are far sighted, gifted , talented, and born dancers.
They are both genders in one the strength of a man the frailty of a woman.
They defy society inspite of the treatment meted out to them, they are ostracized driven away from the mainstream of human life.
The lowest rung has a hard time surviving the onslaughts of oppression, they beg, they solicit, they sell their bodies to keep their intangible tragic souls alive.
They have a very special regard for me, that is God gifted bonding, I understand their amorphous angst their androgynous apathy, their cry, their degradation...because they dared to to be different from the rest of us...

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