Sunday, July 1, 2007

Boran Road /Someone calls me Psychic

This is the famous Bandra Boran Road , placcid waters reaching out towards Bandra HillRoad on one end , the end facing the rain revellers , they are moving towards the Bandra Bazar Road , all knee deep , just to the right of them is an open 4 feet gutter , a red flag has been placed there last year , it is still there this year.
Stupid this is a last years picture dont you see.
My poems and my pictures are mostly off tangent I say one thing through my pictures I show another thing.

So now read my poem written last year at Buzznet ..

Someone calls me Psychic

Someone calls me a Prick

Someone calls me Burnt Out Wick

Someone calls me a Slippery Indian Dick

Someone calls me Satans Talking Stick

Someone calls me Zidanes Corner Kick

Someone calls me Poetic Ass Lick

Someone calls me Prostituted Prosaic

I scratch my Balls , my Nose pick

Such friends that I did not hand pick.

4th of July

a cracker under the stove of my ass

will tick like a candlestick

thoughts of her

unspent dreams

of a Goddess of a Confusing Chick

at flickrs makes me homesick

love 1+1 makes none

the only arithmetic

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube