Sunday, November 15, 2015

Son Why Do You Shoot Beggars Like Me

what is there to see
do people really have
time for beggar pictures
do tell me ,, cursed by
birth cursed in marriage
old age at bandra station
i live in pain misery i hope
death comes soon sets me
free ..but than i have kept
some money aside so they
can bury me without asking
for charity from the mumbai
municipality ..this soil this
earth of my favorite city to
be wrapped in its sheet
of sweet mud dirt ,, she
looked into my eyes
penetratingly ..cosmically
she touched my hand
that gave her alms
lovingly holistically
adding words to my
picture my beggar poetry

She is a mystic lady I once gave her Rs 10 and was rushing away to catch a train ,,, she called me back returned rs 5 ,,, thus reminding me we are all beggars one way or the other ,,

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube