Saturday, August 8, 2015


The Malwani police station could not prevent the inevitable hooch tragedy where 100 poor people died drinking poisonous liquor and the CM said the guilty will hang.. who is guilty the guys who supplied and sold the booze or those who allegedly turned a blind eye to this racket in their backyard ,, and why do the cops not raid 5 star hotels instead of soft targets like lodges or ban the lodges ,, this police brutality to the young folks in the lodges and this was trespassing on their privacy .. this was not public indecency,, why does not our dynamic CP Rakesh Maria give a statement I am shocked and appalled at the Police Raj. they allow criminals to snatch chains , they allow criminals to murder loot and than nab innocent people having a good time with their money,.Mumbai was never like this did they nab drugs contraband weapons beats me did they nab any Tiger Menon from the lodge ,, RIP LAW AND ORDER UNDER THE PRESENT REGIME
Mumbai: Couples picked up from hotel rooms, charged with 'public indecency'
By Shiva Devnath |Posted 08-Aug-2015

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