Monday, June 22, 2015

Tears On The Soul of Hooch Ridden Mumbai

I blog with pictures I try not to steal pictures if I do take a picture I give the link and the source ..but I have so many pictures at my Flickr timeline ,, and I shot them impulsively no rhyme or reason.. like these two drunks at Bandra and I am using their picture to tell a tale ,, two tales in one single frame ..So bloggers may blog as much as they want copy paste but Fuck at least shoot your own pictures or stop shoving an elephants dick in your hackneyed blog post ,,

posted first at Facebook  without an image

Recently I was waiting for my turn to meet Dr Shahshank R Joshi the eminent Padmashri endocrinologist at Lilavati Hospital Bandra for my diabetes and rising blood sugar , I was dressed in sober attire a white shirt breeches and sitting next to in the lounge was a very obese big built man , he was huge and had a missing foot , just a stump.. He looked at me and smiled I smiled back.
I asked him if he was waiting for Dr Shashank R Joshi , he said it was raining outside so he had come inside the Hospital to rest ,, I said nothing and than he told me he had met with an accident at Mira Road , lost part of his leg was hospitalized for a very long time he was in coma , when he came out of coma he found his wife had usurped his property leaving him homeless ,,Than he said he did not want money from me , but if I knew someone who would give him a place to stay on charitable grounds ,, he was three times my size ,,I try not to judge people .. I told him I did not know anyone who would put him up but I suggested that he contact some NGOs ,,that might help him.. I dont know if he was there trying to con the gullible I have been living long enough in Mumbai, I got up to speak to the Nurse and than said down on the far end away from him.. in the meantime he was talking to another patient ,,,
My turn came I met Dr Shashank R Joshi and left wondering .. and his image has not yet faded from my mind and perhaps this is the first time I am blogging an incident without a picture ,, What do you think about it ,, he was in his 40 s dressed in a tshirt and jeans , when I had seen him going to the loo he had a prosthetic foot with a shoe ...and Lilavati Hospital with all their bouncers and security could not sniff him out ,,and I thought to myself why must I tell them..they charge exorbitant fees ,, their first time visit was Rs 1200 they raised it to Rs 1500 ..if you are called by the doctor within the same month it is Rs 900 and if he calls you after a month you shell out Rs 1500 again , this is health care in Mumbai ,,
And I pity those who fell victim to the Hooch Tragedy will hospitals like this treat them free .. and I digress , with all the bans bar dancer ban , beef ban , yet this myopic government did not think of banning alcohol because it generates hafta ,black money and a large chunk of revenue .. Imagine over 100 people dead and to cover for the sins of the policeman the government gives Rs100,000 as blood money,, and we who live in Mumbai have lost it all.. this city is devoid of compassion devoid of humanity ,, and even after the deaths they will go on selling more hooch once the dust settles down.. Why does the administration wake up so late ,,or is it because we have an incompetent law and order and vision less government .
Will those who murdered these drinkers face the same punishment like the beef butchers ..mind you I dont eat beef .. dont wear a skull cap either , will it be 5 year jail and Rs 10000 fine for selling and drinking alcohol.. and what about the punishment for murder ,,,who will hang certainly not the cops of Malwani Police Station,

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