Monday, February 16, 2015

Mumbai Is Strange City All I Can Tell

a street scene college girl
yet to come out of valentine
days spell wondering thinking
of moments now gone back
into a shell he did not call her
today all is not well nervous
soul of this comely belle ,,
on the other side the beggar
weaving dreams of coming out
of his bad days as he begs
outside a hotel dry day means
no clientele the boozers off
day he misses the whiff of
the heady smell.. a couple
had a tiff walking away in
anger love that stormy
emotions cannot  quell
not in the picture the hotel
manger tells the beggar to
fuck off as he shouts yells
3 street stories running
simultaneously ,,in a nutshell

street photography is a textless
book of imagery  shot as a novel

dedicated to my good friend kelly rae
a photographer in portraiture excels
kind humble bold beautiful rebel ...
every frame that evolves propels

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube