Sunday, August 3, 2014

A Poet Beckons A Beggar Poet

a poet
a beggar
on the internet
a poet you have
not yet met
like you caught
in a fisherman's
net  a poet still
with uncleared
debts does not
drink does not
smoke does not
bet .grateful to
the almighty for
all he gets he
forgives but
wont forget
the genocide
at karbala .
parched throats
blood all wet

man kunto maulaa
fa haaza Aliun maulaa

To whom I am the master
Ali is the master.

all set

Man Kunto Maula
laa fatah illaa Ali
laa saif illaa zulfiqaar

King of the brave,
lion of God,
[and] strength of God.
There is no one like Ali [and]
there is no sword like Zulfiqaar*.

what you are
is what you beget

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