Saturday, August 24, 2013

Possession At Dargahs .. Sandal Time

And I continue with possession , a very integral part of dargah culture ,part of the Sufi aspect of this Muslim ethos in India.

Though all this is looked down and condemned by others and those of the Tabbliki jamat , dua tawiz , exorcising evil spirits by the Khadims of the Dargah or the Bawas and Malangs ,, some might be genuine while others are out to fleece make a fast buck..

I stay away from all this , just shoot pictures , and dont get into debate or scholastic dialogue I am an illiterate as far as theology or semantics of religiosity are concerned .. I dont shoot pictures to undermine a persons faith or belief , I dont shoot pictures to satisfy your faith and what I shoot does not endorse its practice or promotion.. I dont get paid for what I shoot nobody has paid me money or bought me a camera or lens ,, not even the over generous moneybags of any religion I shoot ..I have often asked the Holy Saint for sponsoring a new camera and a good powerful lens ..I was endowed with vision much before I began seeing one eyed photographically...

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