Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sharukh Rafaee

He is a young Rafaee and a very proud one too.
His father named him Sharukh after Indias most famous cine star.
And Sharukh Rafaee is no less a cine star.
He uses swords like a tennis racquet.
He is displaying his expertise and his skill along with the elder rafaees of Chancawalli.
A pillar looms above his head , his father Chalak Ali.. who pierces his eyeballs and than lifts a cycle with the same instrument stuck to his eye.
So like father like son.
Hs father made him sleep on the floor and placed his entire force on Sharukhs neck with a scimitar..
I gave Sharukh Rs 50- and he was indeed touched.
This was the procession of the Sandal of Fakhruddin Shah Baba I must have shot over 450 pictures..

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