Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Getting Ready To Shoot Ashura At Bargah .. 2012

All my pictures of Moharam in Hyderabad 2012 are viewable to public the pictures of blood gore self infliction rituals will be placed in a new set at Flickr moderated and can only be seen if you are a Flickr member which is free either you can register with Yahoo or Gmail.

Thank you Flickr Support ... for your support .

I have always followed Flickr guidelines and the purpose of my photography is not to hurt any person caste creed or community.

We bleed to mark our protest and to reiterate a fact Terrorism exists in Islam and did not spare the son in law of the Holy Prophet PBUH - Imam Ali husband of his only daughter Princess Fatima , Imam Ali was murdered in a mosque and Imam Hussain the grandson of the Holy Prophet PBUH was brutally murdered his army massacred at Karbala by Yazid the greatest Terrorist Caliph of the Umayad Destiny and his regime his rule the Blackest page in Islamic history.

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