Sunday, November 4, 2012

Tasting The Elixir Of Eid e Ghadeer

Viola and Kim had come to India to document Indian life and the Tansgender Hijra community , as I have shot them the most they got in touch with me came home ..became friends and the day I was going to shoot the Eid E Ghadeer procession , they requested me if they could come along , I agreed and thus Kim And Viols shot the Juloos liked the Shia ethos , they were leaving for Denmark the following day but after seeing my Ashura photos they cancelled their tickets extended their stay to shoot Ashura and 6 7 9 Moharam in Mumbai.

Barefeet they shot documented the Ashura juloos along with my American friend brother Dr Glenn Losack MD from New York Manhattan.

Viola liked the sherbet on Eid E Ghadeer and the Dongri pani kam Chai..

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