Saturday, July 14, 2012

An Ode to a Dickhead from Delhi

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of his fucked
living in
hermits cage
hates little
mumbai kids
that blog
shoot silly pictures
to show the crass
of humanity
not for daily wage
he gets madly furious
enraged a battle
with the wrong man
the dickhead from
delhi has waged
a beggar poet
old age but stamping
his protest on the
racists ass web page
revolving doors of fate
delhi diarrhea
delhi belly
dire straits
child hate
poetic pathos
as it detonates

I make that 2 Delhi Dickheads ...
birds of a feather flog together
lead kindly light see beneath your
feet the person on whom you
tread .. 4 year old ..has
more brains in her head
racism exists in the
bloggers world
a comment
that i read
on a fucked
hate spewing
locked thread

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