Sunday, July 8, 2012

Nobody Shoots Hijras Like I Do Those Who Steal My Hijra Pictures FuckYou

Nobody Shoots Hijras Like I Do Those Who Steal My Hijra Pictures Fuck You by firoze shakir photographerno1

there was a hijra 
whore from peshawar 
her manly body 
hirsute covered 
in animal fur 
the talibans 
the rabid dogs 
on two legs 
just loved 
to fuck her 
her feline purr
as they 
their monstrous 
all over her 
the hijra picture 
stealer from
their fucked 
libido ancestral 
lust she would stir 
her splotchy ass
rented per hour 
sweet and sour 
those ugly 
bearded bastards 
who never shower 
tall as london tower 
her rectal rectitude 
solemnly soulfully 
by mercenaries too 
petro powered 

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube