Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Marziya Polishing My Shoes Before I Go To Work

I hate shoes they are a blasphemy to my barefeet , I hate corporate clothes as they suffocate my soul, but than I am a high end fashion whore , I have become a part of a rat race to give my family some good things in life..

Once a few months back I was self employed , but though free I was unhappy mounting debts and suicidal thoughts forced me to take another option I work for another man.. I shut my shop in November and I am a salaried asshole on the face of my destiny..

I am gradually slowly paying of people , others who helped me from being buried under a mound , I am surfacing and getting back my lost hopes self esteem self respect..

I am becoming better if I can say so, and I wear shoes the beggar poet online ..Marziya loves polishing them , almost an allegory for giving my fate a new shine..

And this could be a textless post a mere picture but I stamped the signature of my angst to make it personal ..my rigorous efforts at self improvement..

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