Friday, October 28, 2011

My Parents Taught Me Just Being a Good Muslim Was Not Enough

I had to respect my neighbors religion too.. so I grew up not only as a Shia Muslim I grew up as a Christian Hindu Parsi .. so when you try to force your beliefs your views your bigotry it wont work.. I cant change my spots or my stripes

If this makes me less Shia than I am happy to be what I am..

What I am what I am not is none of your concern , just seek your own salvation , cure yourself before you try to cure me , I am happy with my sickness my insanity..

Because of Facebook becoming a bigots paradise there are many overzealous in my community too,I feel like deactivating my account..

This is my poets angst it struggles to come to terms with my surroundings..

I dont need a certificate from a Mullah to tell me how devout I am as a Shia..

Yes I use Indian terminology to describe my passion as a mourner of Imam Hussain ..

Like Durga Like Lord Shiva I dance the dance of Death on the Soul of Evil on the soul of Shimr

Yes I do Tandav if you dont like it..keep away from me.. this is to all Shia Wahabis and Shia bigots

I am a Dam Madar Malang Ali Haq..

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube