Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Ethos of Islamic Pride

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a head scarf
covering her
head Allah
on her side
Muslim girl
going to
the madrsa
ethos of
Islamic pride
its only in
the head
of the bigot
that there is a
Shia Sunni divide
living in
mutual compatibility
mutual coexistence
giving each other space
Allah his Rasool
Scriptures they abide
Allah the Merciful
the Omnipotent
in hard times
difficult times
through his mercy
he provides
in India Muslims
live happily
live comfortably
of Islamic pride
though its a shame
in Muslim countries
it is a spectacle of hate
Muslims killing Muslims
sectarian strife
that wont ever subside
fueled by rogue clerics
to divide Islam
USA and Israel
the only excuse
the back of
a camel rides
so today
the Middle East
re surges
with cries
of freedom liberty
equality worldwide
overthrowing warlords
dictators despots
who have been kicking
the proletariat's backsides
winds of change
time and tide
first Egypt Tunisia
now Libya Syria
Bahrain Yemen
soon Saudi Arabia
Kuwait Qatar
other feudal states
the junta
will preside
Allaahu Akbar
God Is Great
hope on wings
of angels
as guide
gags removed
from the mouths
hands again untied
freedom lives
lets other lives
on the sands
of Karbala
etched in blood
he described
Hussain is Hope
Yazid finally

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