Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Kashmiri Shias Show Their Pain

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kashmiri shias
show their pain
ya hussain
ya hussain
a grief
no greater grief
no greater belief
than ghame hussain
ya hussain ya hussain
as it resounds in the valley
into the plains ya hussain
ya hussain we beat our chests
we cut our head but it
hurts others so they complain
pelt stones on shias
followers of yazid
no hearts no brains
ya hussain ya hussain
kashmiri shia show their pain
mashke sakina alam abbas
zainabs snatched rida
abids chains as it snows
as it rains
ya hussain ya hussain
every land is karbala
every day ashura
hussainyat our spiritual domain
wa waila sad wa waila
ibne zehra wa waila
ya hussain ya hussain

kolkatta delhi madras chennai
mumbai hussain tekri
allover the world
the kashmiri shias
show their pain
ya hussain ya hussain

my humble poetic tribute to the shias of kashmir

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