Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Marziya Shakir Comes Of Age

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as she turns 3
on the soul of my
flickr web page
a memory
because i had a
from her birth
24 November
till this stage
moments held
in a gilded cage
as she grew
so did i
my expectations
as a grand father
as a blogger
a street photographer
she did raise
i taught her
she taught me
inbuilt wisdom
worthy of praise
life is a bubble
caught in a maze
head bowed
as the soul prays
under the chair
is a home
where she stays
all alone
with her mind
she plays
embedded in the
soul of a camera
on the surface
a smiling
pouted face
to a trickle
of water
on the sands
of karbala
her ancestry trace
a shia child
ghame hussain '
the only phrase
as humanity
is what it says

I began shooting Marziya Shakir from the second day of her life a story that began as a single picture at Holy Family Hospital Bandra ..and it grew as she was my first grand child , having been an alcoholic for a large part of my children s life I hardly saw them grow so Marziya was a second chance God gave me and i was off the bottle of Djinn ..its been a long journey almost 12 years and a pledge to stay off booze was taking Marziyas pictures till she began taking my pictures on my camera the Nikon D 80 ..the rest is history.. I have placed most of her pictures her web presence on Facebook Twitter away from public view.

Now she is learning to video shoot on the Sony high definition video cam.

Marziya Shakir street photographer from Bandra.

But more than me it was her parents , her many uncles and aunts..her maternal grandparents who contributed to her growth .. including an American more crazier than me more talented more creative her No 1 Guru Dr Glenn Losack Furious Physician.. from Manhattan New York... and two American ladies I must honor Alice Feiring and Dr Robi Ludwig..both her guardian Angels..from New York too.

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube