Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Mother, originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1.

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she has to go back
to her home
beyond the seas
a sadness
silent stillness
on the soul of the
a drop of tear
the ultimate release
on the cheek of
ma durge
beloved mother too
i tried to freeze
raw emotions
violent waves
kissing the mother
on their knees
through the third
eye of shiva
in my camera
soul i tried to seize
a journey into
the angst
of a muslim blogger
sweet memories
salty breeze
reechoing love
brotherhood of man
hope and hindutva
a message
of mutual coexistence
harmony eternal peace
beyond caste color
creed religiosity
beyond concrete walls
spires domes minarets
all at ease
to appease
every man
a traveler
in transit
on godly lease
drinking the same water
the same air same
fruits of an orchard
similar trees
blood sweat tears
held in an urn
at the lotus feet
of a mother
of all mothers
we revere respect
piously please

to senior dutta
father of kaushik dutta

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