Sunday, October 17, 2010

Happy Dasshera to all of you friends countrymen and foes.

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She is Lakshmi the beggar hijra of Turner road and not to be confused with Laxmi the iconic hijra symbol of health and wealth..

I have known her for over 10 years and she respects me completely , and though she is a beggar hijra who begs at the signal of Bandra Turner road, she begs with dignity ,along with her gang of which she is the leader and Guru too.

She recently saved my number on her mobile phone , she wants me to come to her house in the slums and shoot her life of pain , and I politely refused I have no time or inclination I am going through painful times myself.

I shoot hijras but they shoot me down too with their struggle to be respected as humans but they are considered untouchables by Brahmanic counterfeit society we live in..

We house terrorists in comfy jails Pakistani terrorists that deserve to hang for destroying our peace and our city , we spend millions on useless games , on terrorist trials ,and our own poor people languish on the streets of hell..

Mr Kalmadi will be hailed as the Hero of the Games and what did we gain ,we still have our beggar bowl in our children s hands that are unfortunate parents were born with..I speak of the poor and the fucked middle class.

And life goes on from one Dasshera to the next Diwali where time burns crackers on the posterior of the poor man.

Happy Dasshera to all of you friends countrymen and foes.

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