Friday, September 10, 2010

Lal Bagh Chya Raja Darshan 2010

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There was hardly time to compose adjust the lens I shot without flash on 800 ISO but most of the folks were lighting up the Raja with their flash and this was the first time I aborted a shoot half way I had removed the turban from my head as the crowds kept on swelling but I was lucky I was close to the Raja only a metal bar kept me away from him.

I shot without stopping single frames finally gave my place to another still photographer who I am sure got better pictures than me he was much taller from Marathi media..

On my way out I met my Facebook friend Pratik Koli and we meet at various venues at karmic cross intersections..he is a friendly media photographer with no airs no arrogance totally down to earth with great respect for barefeet bloggers so I always make a point to shoot him , he shoots me too unawares..

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