Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Hijra Was Born With Trinkets On His Dainty Feet

god was worried
he saw that the
hijra was born
with trinkets
on his dainty feet
he created man
man burst forth
as a hijra from a
hybrid seed
through dance
the hijra his angst
his extinguished
hope began to plead
he had a stomah
a mouth to feed
in a garden of god
made flowers
he stuck out
like a weed
yet through
his androgynous
charm other hijras
without a womb
god helped him breed
hijra also
mans protective shield
hidden yet unconcealed
a karmic wheel within a wheel
like an onion a peel beneath a peel
his fate surrendered his destiny
sealed a an enigma a woman's soul
man as hijra to the world revealed

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