Sunday, May 23, 2010

This Is My 126,002 Photo Blog At Flickr

For me Flickr is not just a photo gallery it is the treasury of my photo blogs , all my stuff originates at Flickr and than a few of these I post to Facebook Twitter and my other websites at Word Press Blogspot.

I mostly post links to Facebook..I have till date posted 12207 links there.
All pimping my Flickr blogs ..

I have posted till date 11074 tweets all pimping my Flickr blogs too.

I am ranked 11 as a Twitter micro blogger in Mumbai.

And here I am getting a cosmic head massage as words, clusters of them that generate my street poems needed a holistic touch and rejuvenation.

My mind as a blogger is the only thing that works overtime

I dont drink smoke or fornicate..
My only companion all the time on the streets is my camera the only instrument of mass elucidation and harbinger of Peace through Pain.

I shoot Pain as it shoots me too.

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube