Thursday, August 27, 2009

Ganesh Gully Pandal Lalbagh 2009

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After shooting the Lalbagh Cha Raja I walked towards the Ganesh Gully Pandal, I also shoot my surroundings that you call street photography, street photography is the core and essence of my belief in mankind and God.

I cannot shoot flowers , insects landscapes I need pictures populated with people..I need emotions, feelings I need to reveal layers beneath layers..on a mans face.

I dont begrudge people what they shoot , I dont go to their photo stream to tell them what to shoot ..I am fed up of answering comments that are based on bigotry, a recent comment on my Moharam pictures criticized the shedding of blood part of my Shia faith saying it was against Islam..yet the pompous spiritual pedant keeps quiet when Muslims as Jehadis kill , maim rape sodomize society in the name of Islam..

I cant be such a Muslim , my parents late Mohomed and Shamim Shakir taught me that humanity was more important than flawed religiosity.

I shoot all religion Hinduism is my cultural inheritance and I shoot it with them the passion as a Hindu would have shot it
All these pictures are part of my storyboard called Hope and Hindutva a message of Peace..

I shoot Hijras and at this moment I am watching my Hijra Guru Laxmi Narayan Tripathi taking part in Sach Ka Samna ..

I thank Ankur of NDTV for taking my interview while shooting GSB Lord Ganesha King Circle King of Kings..As a blogger I am deeply touched by this gesture of the main stream electronic media.

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