Thursday, July 30, 2009

Fire and Ice

a shia blogger
fire and ice
fighting misfortune
with a loaded dice
pain misery sorrow
bitter and nice
cry beloved Karbala
our spiritual paradise
in black clothes
blood sweat tears
our soul cries
he gave his head
he paid a price
to save Islam
from a Yazidi scourge
a Yazidi vice
an accursed Caliph
son of a Satan in disguise
beneath our feet
accursed Yazidiyat lies
doing Tandav
on the soul of Shimr
to be precise
our head like
a bleeding water melon
that we slice
a Protest against Terrorism
to be concise
Hussain is Humanity
our worldly advise
a warning device
words within words
should suffice

inspired by Jane Abao - a journalist and a very dear friend..

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