Thursday, April 23, 2009

She Wonders Which Party To Vote?

luckily she
is wisdom's child
she wonders
which party to vote
the poor man
with the burden of unliving
a single straw
keeps him afloat
his sorrow his pain his despair
as wrinkles on his face
to denote
more corruption
as they slaughter
the country
like a sacrificial goat
of the people
by the people
for the people
in a leaking boat
freedom fighters
in their graves
was this freedom
for which they valiantly fought
a new government
will be formed
with the rich mans money
with his hand on the remote
the poor man dying on the streets
empty promises broken dreams
trampled destiny unquote
on his forehead misery
more misery
as his kismet
god wrote

dedicated to monsoon lover sudip da

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