Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Pain and Passion of a Shia Blogger

truth ingrained in the husk
of reality as pictures
I expose
the pain and passion
of a shia blogger
called Firoze
pedestrian poetry
up close
on this photo stream
as it flows
nothing in life is ugly
nothing in life is as gross
tears hidden as sorrow
in pictorial prose
hijras wanting
to be respected as hijras
a life a gender they chose
rafaees naga sadhus
beggars in life's throes
shiasm my birthright
makes others angry and bellicose
hate comments on my posterior
here at Flickr
to add to my worldly woes
Comment Moderation
the only tool
the Flickr developer
does not know
cutting my head
walking on fire
flagellating my back
shia rituals a cultural inheritance
1400 year protest against terrorism
through Hope and Hindutva
side by side as I show
united colors of peace
that is India
through the viewfinder of a flickr pro

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube