Saturday, January 19, 2008

Marziya Shakir-My Moharam schedule

Marziya Shakir-My Moharam schedule
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

I hardly get to see Marziya perhaps a few minutes in the morning that was yesterday, I rushed to work and at about 3 pm left for Carter Road to shoot a local Moharam event the Daiyawala Alam commemorating the Martyrdom of Hazrat Abbas brother of Imam Hussain. The Alam a very impressive one moves on foot from Carter Road Promenade in a lane touching the Deputy Commissioners office to Pali Road and ends at the Bandra Khoja Masjid.There was a Busheri Matam on the promenade .There was also a Majlis at the promenade recited by Maulana Yasoob Abbas , I shot quite a few pictures, and came back to work.In the evening I left for Dongri and came back at 1 am after shooting Day3 of Kaiser Bagh.. pictures over 1500 or more yet to post ...
In the meantime I completed posting the Fakruddin Shagh Baba Urus 470 pictures bringing the series to a close.One of the most fascinating trip on body piercing , and I have never shot such a innovative Rafaee procession..
I shot Kaisar Bagh day 2 Day 3 and this I should start posting at Flickrs from today..
Today is 9th Moharam I shall leave at 4pm for the Savoy Juloos and a long procession that ends at Amin Imabada and late at 11 pm the procession scourging at Kaisar Bagh.. continues.
The hand matams and the Busheri Matam at Kaisar Bagh will continue much after the juloos ends here till wee hours of the Ashura morning..

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