Friday, December 7, 2007

Poem hunter forum goddess is on poetic heat

Poem hunter forum goddess is on poetic heat
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

photo courtesy

A musky odor
Our nostrils meet
Poem hunter forum goddess
Is on poetic heat
Dogs hogs men all
Even poets bare minimum
Bare feet
Those pissing beer in beer mugs
Tho Tweet
Behind her for a repeat
Aldo almost missed a
Heart beat
Crashing votes
Even God must cheat
Trick or Treat
Ivan the Bore
Praying for poetic redemption
From the Father Son and the Holy Spirit
I Bowel shitting nonstop poems
Poem hunter prematurely dying John Keats
Wilkinson the Illegitimate Bakers Son
Rusty Old Blades growing women’s teats
Well somebody put adhesive seminal glue
At Oldham he is stuck on a toilet seat
Chom Chom is still giving glorious head
From Spain she has now moved in with
Zorba the English Bull Mastiff
And is now in Crete

Hubcap Shithead

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