Sunday, November 18, 2007

Poem Hunter Service Unavailable

Poem Hunter Service Unavailable
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

Poem Hunter Service Unavailable

An offence bail able
On us poets as they turn table
Poets who write poetry via cable
Yes Adconion Media is what
Makes it saleable
Hard Rock undeniable
Nostalgic moments Jethro Tull
To access my web page is a misery wailable
Poemhunter Support
A tower of Babel unreachable
Conduct impeachable
A brainless phenomena
In an empty skull
Nimble footed numbskull
Dimwit deformed dumbskull
Only poems in my thickskull
A lot of poems of some poets
They should cull
Flights of fancy
Of this wingless seagull
an oyster farting
in the ears of a poetic pearl

firoze shakir photographerno1

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