Wednesday, November 21, 2007

A Plagiarist in the Poemhunter Forum Animal Farm

A Plagiarist in the Poemhunter Forum Animal Farm
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

photo courtesy

There was a conference among the animal poets online
They had caught a plagiarist red handed the swine
Said the eminent Owlin Dervish” break the bastard’s spine
But this hurt deeply as he was a friend of a group bovine
So said Eagle Hawk
“Today is Thanksgiving just let him pay a fine “
Said Trade Tortoise “lets bury him alive
And make a Plagiarists Punishment compulsory offline”
Tiger Taffee was angry how this plagiarist swine could
Our Animal poetic harmony by stealing poems undermine
Ron the Strolling Bear gunfire brimstone
As he lay on a mound supine
Said he “ the Swine his testicles should be pickled in Indian Brine “
But vociferous vivacious Sherrie the Sexy Cheetah
And her Ben gal Tiger friend said chop the bloody swine
As Sushi let him be served with Ginger Wine
Lizzie the Louisiana friendly boa constrictor began to whine
She was dressed in captivating Calvin Klein
Looking smooth and very serpentine
Said she “ let the Swine be a part of my Cajun cooking
Roasted boasted toasted on him we all shall dine “
Ted the Titmouse and Thad the Peace dove
Had thoughts more human loving
And said “lets not one of our own malign
So what if the swine
Is a plagiarist
We all steal our neighbors’ wife
Our neighbor’s goods
Our neighbors’ daughter
Forgive and Forget
“Bottom line “
“Let’s give him another chance”
Said the Australian Awesome Great Red Kangaroo
Of a criminal blue blood line
Nodding his head street smart David Mole
With his pretty Indian bandicoot concubine
Said “I am fed up tired frustrated as the Treasurer
Of this Poemhunter Forum Animal Farm
I resign “
Rape make more babies
Is my love line
Said the metaphoric Bat poet
Thomas Devine

firoze shakir photographerno1

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