Sunday, November 4, 2007

The Noose

The Noose
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

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The noose is a knot, normally made from a small-diameter rope, that is often used by campers and hunters to catch small game. The noose has also traditionally been known as a suicide method; however the actual knot associated with this is the Hangman's knot, which is also known as the 'hangman's noose'.

In 2007, there were several incidents involving nooses at the University of Maryland and Columbia University. The Maryland incident took place at a dorm in front of a minority's window. The Columbia incident took place at a professor's door.

In 2007, in Jena, Louisiana, a group of black teens fought a white teen who angered one of the members the weekend prior.A year earlier students hung nooses from a tree. While the school board dismissed this as a prank it raised racial tensions until the attack. The fight became a court case when the 6 black teenagers were arrested and charged for the fight. They are known as the Jena Six.

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Following a rash of cases involving nooses, the state Legislature Monday (10/22/2007) moved toward making it a felony to display the symbol of lynchings in the Old South in a threatening manner. 'We won't tolerate this, ' said Sen. Dean G. Skelos, a Long Island Republican who sponsored the measure that passed Monday in the Senate. 'There is no place for racism and intimidation in America.'
Terre Haute, IN.10-25-2007 A noose was found in a tree on the campus of Indiana State. ISU police informed the FBI, who will look into possible 'hate crime' violations.'A noose is a symbol of America's oldest form of domestic terrorism, ' said Hilary O. Shelton, director of the NAACP's Washington office. 'It was held up as an example to show that whoever you are, you could be taken this way.'


Dangling rope
Dangling hope
The noose
A present
For colored abuse
A gift
He dare not refuse
Being born
As children of a lesser
God he has nothing to lose
Just a neck to deduce
In a world of hate
Discoloured truce
What you sow
Is what you produce
Being the downtrodden
Underdog colored slime
Is no excuse

Love Poetry Hate Racism

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