Tuesday, October 23, 2007

what rhymes with allen james saywell

what rhymes with allen james saywell
Originally uploaded by flickr photographerno1

photo courtesy


what rhymes with allen james saywell

i am scared to tell
thomas devine might yell
his idea that
i repackage and re sell
allen james saywell
is synonomous syndicate of
australian racist poets cartel
arsewell carswell saywell
does that ring a bell
all have their places
reserved in hell
bowel vowel poetry
forum quotes a finger that
he shoved up my ass
like roses it smells
Wycombe county
racist dreams
hate for indian poets
that write in english
poisoned pen dipped
in arsenic ink wells
i digress back to
pederast pernicious
pompous poet
the gonorrheal whore
of mumbai cages
he did bid farewell
his bastard child
half black half white
Indo Australian amity
so swell
bim bombay boy
did fark him
this stupid moron
dumb bell
intelligence the lack of it
in the void of his head
minus brain cell
words he cant punctuate
or spell
awesome dick head son

a cause that needs not rebel

Thank you Mr Devine..this poem inspired by you.. after I rated your last poem month..10

firoze shakir photographerno1

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