Thursday, November 1, 2007

Silhouette of Shame

Silhouette of Shame
Originally uploaded by firoze shakir photographerno1

Darkness marauding darkness
Society to blame
A system that sucks
Plucks fucks for fame
A wild orbit a stellar system
Cant tame..
Turner Road Traffic signal kids
Are kids like yours and mine
By any other name
Slogging morning to dusk
Child labor ill fame
If they come under a speeding car
No insurance claim
Mother father will do it one more time
A new child, new name reclaim
So see my picture
Read another story
Beyond the archival of my picture frame
I see I shoot I aim
Popleys Motivalas Moti Mahal
Orra Diamonds are forever
They scintillatingly proclaim
Giving a jolt to my sense of shame

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