Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Panditji Messiah of Racist Hate

Panditji Messiah of Racist Hate
Originally uploaded by flickr photographerno1

he calls himself panditji
a misnomer this hateful man
who breathes fire and brimstone
for muslims bloggers dogs
at a forum of better photography
a forum of muslim bashers
crabs in a bottle filled with
envy pent up anger
racism in photography per se
i fortuntely unsubscribed
let my blogger pictorial poetic soul free.

at the better photography forum
a jungle raj, muslim bashing
by a handful of racists
how do i describe
led by a panditji muslim basher
bully ragger
and his venomous hate filled tribe
they sanctimonious souls who threatned me
black mailed me emotionally
to unsubscribe
outlawed from day one
yes this blogger poet and scribe
on my soul his derogatory remark
as a comment he did inscribe
this wily pathetic pseudo panditji
from him not much to imbibe
yes he me my attitude
that he calls bombast real bad vibes
he his crony gopal ani sujit
some more bad jibes
what he wanted was to kow tow to him
pay lavish compliments as bribes
hatred the worst medicine
no doctor ever prescribes

power of the photo blog
greater than photography
Truth undistorted
genetically gesticulating
as it transcribes

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