Being bald is looking and feeling beautiful.
I know guys with receeding hairlines, baldness covering up
their sparseness hirsute scarcity, with horrendous wigs, it looks all the more
awful, why not just go bald.Idid , but honestly I hate the bald look on me.I
grew dreads , but there is a tale attached to my dreads, my dreads were kept in
good form by Lady Diana of the dreads , she was a Wiccan, gone Tantrik under her
Kailash Baba from Jodhpur.Diana is famous in Goa and in Pushkar too , she is
strictly by appointment.. she is Bollywood's celebrity cult figure.
My wife practices aromatherapy, she made a hair growing brew, expensive
one, but hair is guaranteed in a weeks time. It grows grass on a bald head.She
sells it to close friends, though a little bottle takes time to make as the
ingredients have to be dried in the sun, so its tough in the supply
just demand.Its all about green thumb, she has it , it works.She tried it on
heself, her hair was falling, diminishing, not anymore...