Saturday, March 10, 2018

Message sent to You Tube Management USA

Dear Sir Madam.. You Tube

I  am a non commercial  photographer from Mumbai  my name is Firoze Shakir
I have about 3800 videos on religion faith hijras aaghoris naga sadhus showcasing harmonious living in India .
My videos are meant to educate people about Christianity Hinduism Sufism Shiasm as practised in India

I don’t post porn or violence or any video that would hurt sense sensibility  but my Naga Sadhu these are naked Hindus was pulled down a pnalty strike against my channel and today a hijra video showing men who live trapped as women in mens body there was no sexual provocation no nudity just their skit of trying to behave like women on womens day again this was pulled out another penalty strike .

I follow you tube guidelines I promote you tube on Facebook Flickr Twitter why such harshness towards me a senior citizen 67 years old .. a humble Sufi monk with 14 million views on my channel.

I am really sad and disappointed I have been invited to various You Tube creator events in Mumbai

Please be human and take a second opinion on my videos and my truly made in India Channel

Thanking you

Firoze Shakir

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube