This morning I left my house at 7.45 am and reached the Bandra Reclamation Promenade ,..I have never walked here before ,,I switched on my Running App and walked from one end of the Promenade to the other end ,, shooting pictures on my mobile phone ,, I completed 3.91 km in 1 hour 25 minutes on my return home via Nargis Dutt Nagar slums an insult to the noble memory of late Ms Nargis Dutt ,,15 years of Congress rule and her daughter Ms Priya Dutt at the helm they could not make it a decent slum , a role model slum.. this was a vote bank and it still is now being appeased by the BJP newbies ,
I shot a video and the saddest one was of a day old child born in a shanty ..and the prettiest girl child among 3 more sisters and a brother ,,they live on the pavement in a makeshift dwelling at Lal Mitti Bandra Reclamtion dreading the sounds of the bulldozer..
I have given up tennis and walking round and round and round at the MET Grounds Bandra Reclamation.
Happy Morning ,,,
ps there is no toilet on Bandra Promenade or Bandra Reclamation from the Nargis Dutt slum end till Lilavati so every one uses the promenade sea front ..the largest open air toilet you need to wear a mask on this stretch where they shit with plastic bottle in hands ..