Friday, February 21, 2014

The Street Will Be My Grave When I Die

but you die
said my
inner angst
my altar ego
muting my
death wish
my last cry
inner voices
never lie
so my grave
open to take
me to my maker
a greater street
his munificence
cosmic eye
his camera misses
nothing i wont deny
a lens that opens
up the unknown as
it pries ..his vision
from the sun with
clouds as reflectors
in disguise .. circle
of confusion depth of
field nothing left to
the imagination
to resize,....
for that one shot
what a sacrifice
does god ever win
a prize or an acceptance
or a certificate of merit
a thought ..some surprise
god hates his pictures on
a salon wall he loves lepers
beggars cries ..for him all
that is ugly is beauty ..
sweet and nice ..

metaphorically i surmise ..hyperbolic ally ,,,i realize

yes i live as i die...

to akbar simonese .. my friend from amsterdam ...hawkeyed and wise

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube