Tuesday, January 21, 2014

holistic healing loban time at hussain tekri jaorah

at about 6 pm
with loban smoke
demons they
the holy saint
touches demented
possessed souls
the demon unabashedly
from their bodies flies
the victims let out
a calming cry.. tears
on their relatives dry
melting emotions
of frozen ice ,,sockets
now become human eyes
as the fallen the emaciated
rise ..being human vulnerable
to demonic calisthenics of fate
they pay a price ,, this embitters
even the sanest ..to be less sane
he tries ..breaking away from
a captive vice ,,the story of the husk
the rice ..akka maula he calls out
thrice save my people held against
their will in a loaded dice ,,dispirited
deleted doomed ,, moments
bitter sweet ,...caprice ,mans
body rabid flesh from his soul
grilled barbecued ,,,serrated sliced

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