The Birth Of A Camera .. In The Hands Of a 2 Year Old Child, a photo by firoze shakir photographerno1 on Flickr.
From the time Nerjis Asif Shakir began shooting pictures I held the camera , while she hit the trigger , but she always placed the camera strap around her neck, a habit that stuck.. yesterday I took a chance let her take the camera Canon EOS 60D ... and shoot the picture herself .. she shot her favorite Uncle Assad who took this shot on his mobile phone,,,
I had taught Marziya too, but Marziya learnt from all visiting photographers at my house ..but Nerjis Asif Shakir learnt with each shot she took.. and it is this humility love towards the camera that gave birth to her confidence and her awakening ... call it vision or whatever ..
I could easily have taught her all this on the tripod , but I wanted her to hold the camera like a baby doll gently lovingly and it paid off...
I love my grand daughters all three but Nerjis Asif Shakir is far too special, knows all the names of the fishes in the tanks , loves beggars and Fr Juan of St Peter Church..