Monday, January 21, 2013

I Quit Facebook 21 Jan 2013

I Quit Facebook  21 Jan 2013 by firoze shakir photographerno1

 261,808 items / 2,105,378 views

no more likes 
no more being 
added to groups
no more pokes 
no more blocks 
for posting links 
no rok thok 
no more jokes 
you live or croak 
dire straits 
different strokes 
i once again 
flew over 
the cuckoos
 nest over
fulsome smoke
i almost choked 
from a zombies 
sleep i suddenly 
awoke one thing 
is sure i will 
miss you folks 
mansoor showghi 
hassan ali linda 
fred jean marc 
benn anthony 
abbas roland
jay bhatt all 
others including 
dear ria stolk

I am on Flickr Instagram You Tube