Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Ritual of Piercing the Cheeks With a 18 feet Rod

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Most important you have to be clean in mind body and thought.

The fast continues and the person can only have liquid with the rod in his mouth.
This is the first time I shot a hijra doing this ritual and because I thought I might not get this opportunity again I shot him extensively.

I shoot every mood every nuance I have on hand 2 cards of 16 GB so obviously I am in no mood to scrounge , and because I am under no editorial constrain and because I dont have to give head to a photo editor to publish a single picture I am
impulsively free to hit the trigger as many times I want.

I have not mortgaged the soul of my pictures for money ..and some things you cant buy if they are not for sale ,,, like a bloggers attitude towards life and photography.

I shoot single frame without noise I shoot the soul of reality .

I shoot wide I hate telly ..but my photography equipment is that of a beggar on the street enough to cover his shame , I have no patron saint of photography , I have no sponsor but I know when my mentor gets tired of the camera he uses he will give it to me ..and this Dr Glenn Losack MD ..his generosity has no limit or boundary where I am concerned or my 2 year old grand daughter Marziya Shakir.

Glenn is the light in the dark end of lifes tunnel.

We both are vivid feelers of pain , we are as crazy and we are as different as cheese and boot polish.

He is the only white man who I see colored even without my glasses .

He is a Brooklyn born Jew but religiosity or race does not matter to me Glenn is Family and beyond that there is no issue or difference in our relationship.

And I want Glenn to buy a shanty in the slum as he loves beggars and beggar kids .. but Glenn will never give up the comforts of life the only bullet that can kill him is Heat , that keeps him away from Mumbai for the moment.,

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