Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Marziya Shakir and Zuljana

This was the first encounter of Marziya Shakir my two year old grand daughter with Zuljana , the replica of Imam Hussains steed , who protected the Imam in the battle of Karbala..

No procession in Mumbai or Lucknow Mehmoodabad, Kolkatta ,Jaorah or Delhi is complete without the Zuljana..The best Zuljana is owned by the Raja of Mehmoodabad a super stallion from Arabia , bought solely to be kept as Zuljana.. nobody rides him at all ...and he costs a bomb, during Athvi he is let lose in the crowd , he charges blindly rushing in the Shia cemetery at Mehmoodabad and bangs his head at the roza of Imam Hussain.

My wifes brother Mohomed Arif Qazilbash of Diamond Cassettes , my brother in law has married into a reputed family of Mehmoodabad.

The Zuljana at the Chup Tazia juloos during Athvi in Lucknow is very impressive and decorated traditionally.. even the Zuljana during the Mehndi juloos at Bada Imambada Lucknow is noteworthy..
Both these juloos in Lucknow have elephants leading the juloos along with an Amary of camels..

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