Saturday, October 10, 2015

The Greatest Humble Matamdar of Hussain -Ali Shah Bhai of Mumbai

Before entering Imamwada from the JJ end you had to pass this iconic sabil and invariably you would find Ali Shah bhai with his friends brothers preparing Niyaz and when he saw me , he would ask me to come in , and thus we chatted , he was a true Maulaiee , and he respected others who were lovers of Imam Ali like him , he mostly hung around with Jalal Mamu and all the Shia kids wanted to do matam like them.. both were devout passionate about Ghame Hussain,.

I had not met Ali Shah Bhai for a very long time but I  knew he was not well and he suffered his fate in silence ,, I can never forget him I spent some great times with him at Jaorah Hussain Tekri.. and this is another memory within the memory of Moharam in Mumbai 2009.

zanjir video

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