Monday, February 8, 2016

I met Jesus in School and I still meet him wherever I go .

I met Jesus in School and I still meet him wherever I go .
Does he follow me or do I follow him I do not know on the Soul of my street poetry he grows ..what I could not see to my cosmic camera eye he shows ..touching the essence of my nature as the winds blow ..I found him at John the Baptist Methodist Church Colaba in 1955 ..he let me in through the doors ..and later at the sacristy of Holy Name Cathedral when I met Fr Leslie Ratus his wisdom I stored and than my alcoholic stupor Yacht Casbah Irani he held me did not let me drown pulled me out of my drunken dilemma thanks to the jazz notes of Uncle Joe of Waroda Road .
So now I Shoot Jesus in all his forms summer winter downpour .
Jesus too is the name of Humanity essence and the core ...blood sweat tears iron and ore ..

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